Excavating rock art in Strath Tay day 6: Recording begins

With three trenches now open, there is plenty of work to do. Before I proceed with investigating the setting of stones against the outcrop in Trench 3, Ronnie draws a plan.

Above: Ronnie planning the stone setting in Trench 2 (Photo: Aaron Watson, 2017)


Above: Ronnie surveying Trench 2 (Video: Aaron Watson, 2017)


A fast-walking figure appearing over the horizon can mean only one thing: George Currie is  visiting. We have collaborated with George over many years. In recent years, he has a discovered thousands of new rock art sites across Scotland. 

Above: Richard, Ronnie, George and Amanda discuss Trench 1 (Photo: Aaron Watson)


We discuss the cup and ring markings with George, and he suggests they are unusually bold and deep in comparison to other sites nearby. He examines our portable cup marked stone and thinks that it is unlikely to have been quarried from this outcrop. Instead, it seems to have affinities with stone found at decorated outcrops elsewhere in Strath Tay. This would suggest it has been deliberately carried to this location.

I begin to excavate the stone feature in Trench 2, intrigued by what may lie beneath the cup marked stone.


Above: A rainbow over the stone setting in Trench 2 (Photo: Aaron Watson, 2017)


This project took place in collaboration with Richard Bradley, Amanda Clarke, Ronnie Scott, Maria Cowie and Moyra Simon. Many thanks to the landowner and estate staff for their support.


Excavating rock art in Strath Tay day 7: Deposits of Quartz


Excavating rock art in Strath Tay day 5: Revealing more